Why Semitic religions disagree others: vivekananda speech mp3
Why semitic religions never accept other religions, swami vivekananda speech mp3
This speech of swamiji is about the greatness of sanathana dharma, the religion or culture which accepts all other religions from everywhere, when all religions failed to accept others, only indian religion, hinduism accepted all others and declared that the eternal truth is one and vipras(saints), called it in different names.
" I will tell you a little story. You have heard the eloquent speaker who has just finished say, “Let us cease from abusing each other,” and he was very sorry that there should be always so much variance.
But I think I should tell you a story which would illustrate the cause of this variance. A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was born there and brought up there, and yet was a little, small frog. Of course, the evolutionists were not there then to tell us whether the frog lost its eyes or not, but, for our story’s sake, we must take it for granted that it had its eyes, and that it every day cleansed the water of all the worms and bacilli that lived in it with an energy that would do credit to our modern bacteriologists. In this way it went on and became a little sleek and fat. Well, one day another flog that lived in the sea came and fell into the well.
“Where are you form?”
“I am from the sea.”
“The sea! How big is that? Is it as big as my well?” and he took a leap from one side of the well to the other.
“My friend,” said the frog of the sea, “how do you compare the sea with your little well?”
Then the frog took another leap and asked, “Is your sea so big?”
“What nonsense you speak, to compare the sea with your well!”
“Well, then,” said the frog of the well, “nothing can be bigger than my well; there can be nothing bigger than this; this fellow is a liar, so turn him out.”
That has been the difficulty all the while.
I am a Hindu. I am sitting in my own little well and thinking that the whole world is my little well. The Christian sits in his little well and thinks the whole world is his well. The Mohammedan sits in his little well and thinks that is the whole world. l have to thank you of America for the great attempt you are making to break down the barriers of this little world of ours, and hope that, in the future, the Lord will help you to accomplish your purpose."
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Vivekanandas welcome address speech in chicago free download
Welcome address by the great swami vivekananda in chicago in 11th September 1893
Download the speech of swamiji in mp3 format and read the full article
Sisters and Brothers of America, It fills my heart with joy unspeakable
to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have
given us. l thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in
the world; I thank you in the name of the mother of religions; and I
thank you in the name of the millions and millions of Hindu people of
all classes and sects. My thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this
platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you
that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honor of bearing
to different lands the idea of toleration.I am proud to belong to a
religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal
acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept
all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has
sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all
nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in
our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to the southern
India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy
temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to
the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of
the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines
from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood,
which is every day repeated by millions of human beings:"
Read the full article here
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Swami vivekananda's speech: Paper on hinduism at world parliament of religion
Swamiji speaks..
The great man of India swami vivekananda's speech at the world religious parliament Free download the mp3 of speach and full article of speech
Three religions now stand in the world which have come down to us from time prehistoric - Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and Judaism. They have all received tremendous shocks, and all of them prove by their survival their internal strength. But while Judaism failed to absorb Christianity and was driven out of its place of birth by its all-conquering daughter, and a handful of Parsees is all that remains to tell the tale of their grand religion, sect after sect arose in India and seemed to shake the religion of the Vedas to its very foundations, but like the waters of the sea-shore in a tremendous earthquake it receded only for a while, only to return in an all-absorbing Hood, a thousand times more vigorous, and when the tumult of the rush was over, these sects were all sucked in, absorbed and assimilated into the immense body of the mother faith. From the high spiritual flights of the Vedanta philosophy, of which the latest discoveries of science seem like echoes, to the low ideas of idolatry with its multifarious mythology, the agnosticism of the Buddhists and the atheism of the Jains, each and all have a place in the Hindu’s religion.
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Practical use of Vedic messages: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
Practical use of Vedic messages
is a speech delivered by Dr N Gopalakrishnan, Director of IISH on
Practical use of Vedic messages and Stotras. There were about 49
civilizations in the world. Out of many civilizations, now only one is
remaining which is our civilization and the world is now looking into
Ancient Indian Heritage. Our heritage started from BC 8275 to AD 2000,
so our Heritage has an age of 10,000 years, and still Living!
Culture existed at the same age where Babylonian and Egyptian culture.
Remember the Egyptian and Babylonian cultures are wiped out from the
face of earth and we still Surviving! If something overcomes Time, It
surely has acquired something to overcome time. Indian culture could not
be wiped out by any invaders. We took all the good information’s from
everywhere in the world and gave our knowledge without patenting them!
We never said our pathway is the only way to God, we never said our
concept of God is the Only True way to Self Realization.
We Indians gave four powerful pillars to help the receiver while giving knowledge
1,Shastram pramanam (follow what science say)2, Aaptavakyam pramanam- follow opinion of Scholars
3,Pratyaksham pramanam-seeing is believing
4, Anumanam pramanam- Do it yourself. Collect all the data, analyze it evaluate it, and Conclude.
In bhagavat Gita Sri Lord Krishna gave all the relevant Knowledge needed for Arjuna and Says,
“Itite njanavakyadam guhyaad guhyatram maya vimrishaya yetat asheshyena yeda ichase tada kuru”
have given you the knowledge relevant for you at present, don’t blindly
follow what am saying. Do criticize what I said and take the path
according to your choice.
Listen to the Great speech on Vedic messages by Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan in English.
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Indian management approach: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
Indian management approach
By Dr N Gopalakrishnan, the director of IISH, a Great Scholar of Scientific Indian heritage, speaks about the concept of Indian management in English language.
A short Review of the speech is given below.
In this lecture series we focus on Indian management. Majority of Indians always thinks that there are no books written in India on management! But we have got a series of management books explaining very bit knowledge of management. In India we look both the ruler and the ruled in an integrated vision, that mean the physical, psychological, social, national, spiritual, ethical, moral based management studies. Almost all the books written India either as independent book, or as a part of Upanishads, gives us messages-upadeshasara really based on the management concepts a leader should know.
In Viduraneetisaram to dritarashtra, he was given a detailed description, how a king should rule the nation. The bhishma upadesha given to Dharmaputra at Kurukshetra battle field consist hundreds of Management Messages that a king should know.
32000 slokas-upadeshasara-messages given by vasishta on management in Ramayana to Rama when he hesitated to take charge of Yuvaraja (New king) and hearing the upadeshasara Rama encouraged in taking charge as the Yuvaraja.
Chanakya neetisaram gives hundreds of management messages an individual should know, whether he is a king, leader, businessman etc.
Bhartrihari neetisaram..upadeshasaram- also touches the principles of management deeply.
Bhagavat gita also contains 680 points on management that a leader and king or even an individual should follow, as Sri krishna’s messages to Arjuna
In india, the management studies concentrates on Dharma (morals) and not KAMA (desire). According to Indian management Udyamam (entrepreneurship), sahasam (quality to take challenge), dharyam(courage) , budhi (intelligence ), shakti (power ), parakramam( capacity to undertake any challenge ) are the Six qualities needed for an individual to be a manager. If these six qualities are in an individual, he is eligible to become a leader, and God blessings (kripa) will be automatically attained. That is what bhishma advised dharmaputra in battle field.
This is just a Rough view of the Speech, for the detailed Topic on Ancient Indian management approach; you should download the Speech Audio for free. Thank you.
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Science in Ancient India: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
Science in Ancient India
From 1992 people started looking back to heritage knowledge. In India we have got that heritage knowledge fully documented. Last year 2002 Germany has patented 2850 Indian items. USA patented 1.7 times the above. Why those developed countries patented Indian based knowledge? , perhaps they are realizing that, the bundle of knowledge available in India may be useful? We have got lot knowledge in mathematical science, medical science, Astronomical science, Astrological science, metallurgical science.
Related Posts: Indian Heritage Speech
From 1992 people started looking back to heritage knowledge. In India we have got that heritage knowledge fully documented. Last year 2002 Germany has patented 2850 Indian items. USA patented 1.7 times the above. Why those developed countries patented Indian based knowledge? , perhaps they are realizing that, the bundle of knowledge available in India may be useful? We have got lot knowledge in mathematical science, medical science, Astronomical science, Astrological science, metallurgical science.
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- Indian management approach: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
- Science in Ancient India: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
- Hindu concept of Temple: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
- A Speech on Dynamic parenting delivered by IISH speaker in malayalam
- Mind management in Indian culture: Speech by Girish kumar
- A speech on Symbolism of Gods in Hindu Culture by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
- The great heritage of Indian Culture: a speech in English by Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan
- Indian Heritage Speech in English by Dr N gopalakrishnan
- Indian Heritage Speech: My Experience of Learning Indian Culture
- Bharateya Acharangal: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
- Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
- Practical use of Vedic messages: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
Hindu concept of Temple: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
How Hindu concept of temple differ from the church and mosque
A speech in English by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
What is the real meaning of idol worship?
Are Hindus worshiping Idol or Stone?
How “pratishta”- Installation of Vigraha (idol) is performed?
Christians and Muslims say that church is a prayer hall. In the hindu community it is clear that the customs and rituals followed differ significantly than others. Hindu concept of Temple is only one of the stepping stones to reach ultimate realization or God. Hindus do worship only one God, Which ultimately present in all living and non living. To reach the realization or God, Common man should need certain materials, either pictures, Names, idol etc to reach the Ultimate truth (God) easily.
Hindus are not worshiping idol at all. Actually hindus are worshiping the energy present in the idol not the idol itself. What are the principles behind the temple? In fact Idol is just the symbolic representation of the Universe itself. Idol or ‘Vigraha’ means which can take special kind of energy in a special way. Idol also called as ‘Pratishta’ means Pra-noble and tishta-what is standing, so pratishta means ‘what is standing there as noble’. The base of vigraha is a miniature form of the universe. What kind of energies is present in the universe? Universe is filled with energy like sound energy, light, heat, chemical energy. There are four types of forces, Weak, strong, Electrostatic force, Gravitational force.
As shankaracharya said “Bhrama satyam Jagad midhya”-Truth is Energy and Matter (jagad) is temporarily stable. Every thing in the world is composed of energy and can be converted to matter. So The truth is Energy all other matters are temporarily stable (midhya )
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Download audio1 now.Download audio2 nowA Speech on Dynamic parenting delivered by IISH speaker in malayalam;
The speech goes through the topics
How to let your children grow in Indian way. Indian way of Parenting . Human excellence through dynamic parenting. What are the challenges facing by parents in modern age? Cultural disasters in Indian life. According to Satyasai baba, there is no political solution for world peace. According to his words..Why new age parents fail to educate their children Cultural and moral values. If the nation has to prosper, improvements must start with the parents. Without peace and harmony at home, there can never be peace in nation.
When there is rightness’s in the heart, there is beauty in character.
When there is beauty in character, there is harmony at home.
When there is harmony at home, there is order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.
Inner direction is the basis of Indian way of education. But the Modern education only teaches us to look outwards! Due to lack of cultural and moral values in modern education, traditions and cultures are disappearing from society. Parents should re orient themselves to educate their children, in order to re establish our traditions and moral values. Modern age youth are less capable in decision making, weak in emotional management. How to let your child grow with bharatheya culture and moral values..
Download the audio-1
Download audio-2Mind management in Indian culture: Speech by Girish kumar
Mind management in Indian culture
How to teach yourself to deal with the emotions and memories and lead a healthy life. Indian way of mind management. How the Indians try to control and organize it. Mind is a bundle of thoughts, if there are not thoughts, no mind according to a common man. We know that we have a mind only because of we think. But according to Indian sages mind and body are the same. Body and mind are in some way related. It is said mind is the subtle part of body and body is the gross part of mind. Looking into the mind concept of our Indian maharshi’s( sages), they classified the mind into 4 different sections, scientifically.
We fails to understand what our sages said because we don’t know Sanskrit, what we do is we depend on English to learn the scripts. But English is a limited language. So we have to learn Indian culture deeply. The first part of mind is chittam, helps to remember things. The second part of mind helps us to decide about something, think rationally, is Intelligence. Next part is bhavana (imagine, visualize) to imagine about something. Next part is ego, which makes us egoist. I think that I am because I have a mind. That’s why we say I think therefore I am, so the moment I stop thinking, am not. So there are 4 parts chittam (Remember something), budhi (intelligence), manas (imagination), ahankaram (Ego) together makes what we call mind.
How to deal with your mind? If you deal with your memory in proper, it won’t interrupt you from having a healthy life. If you dealt with your memory, emotions in proper it won’t bounce back. The modern education teaches us how to deal with everything like the machines, money, and numbers but except our self! So most of us are emotionally weak because we are not taught how to deal with our emotions, memory etc. You know now the companies now look for emotionally sound persons (they now look for an EQ than IQ). Because an emotionally sound person can handle situations more well than a weak person, even though he is more intelligent than the other. So if you want to live happily you should deal with your emotions, instead of hiding from it. Briefly explains past karma, desires and re-incarnation. What is an intuitional intelligence? Continued...
Want to listen to the beautiful speech fully? We highly recommend download the Audio.A speech on Symbolism of Gods in Hindu Culture by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
A speech on Symbolism of Gods in Hindu Culture by Dr N Gopalakrishnan in English
What is meant by Hindu Gods? What is the concept of God in Hindu culture? Indians definitely believed and followed monotheism. veda says, A divine power having hands through out the universe, eyes through out the universe, legs through out the universe, it means, it can control the universe, he created the universe. Hindu call it “prapanchapurusha”, The God itself.
When hindu says 33 crore gods, it doesn’t mean numerical 33Gods. it means 1/3 rd, as we use to say percentage. so 33%+ 33%+33%= almost makes 100%.
1/3 rd of whatever existing in universe-higher level of divine manifestation ( devika percentage)
1/3 rd whatever existing in universe Manushika- humanly manifestation.
1/3 rd whatever existing in universe Aasurika- manifestation
Whichever is prominent in each individual, we can say he is more Devika, more Manushika, more aasurika. In hindu dharma about Gods can be analyzed by ultra modern science. Hindu god concept starts from Brahman, saguna brahma, nirguna brahma. where the universe is symbolically represented in Human form in “viswaroopa of Vishnu”. When we say viswaroopam, with infinite hands, legs, eyes, throughout the universe, No one can think it as a human being; It’s the sympolical representation of God. The color of Vishnu always Blue, Why? It represents infinity. You can see the things with infinite dimension are always blue, the color of Sky, The color of Ocean, And Vishnu lying on Ananda-infinity (snake). Ananda has five hoods, panchabhuta- basic five elements and the sixth one (mahavishnu) is the Consciousness or Awareness. So it is clear from this, “Mahavishnu lying above this Snake “represents the infinite concept of God with Self awareness inside.
Now the modern science has reached at the theory of Hindu Rishi’s that origin of Universe may be from Consciousness. The concept of Brahma, saraswati, and other gods also explained in the speech..
Listen to the Speech on Great Hindu Symbolism of Gods by Dr N Gopalakrishnan, Director of IISH.
Download part-1
Download part-2The great heritage of Indian Culture a speech in English by Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan
A land which could survive all the torrential invasions from outside for not less than 1,000 years. A land which could protect all it’s heritage when other civilization failed. A land, our mother land which could protect who came to our land as refuge; it gave all the freedom, wisdom to all world. That’s the great heritage of India. India always welcomed all noble thoughts and accepts all. Indians always prayed let all the living beings around the world be live happily. When the western philosophy says Survival of the fittest, Bharat says survival of the noblest. This is why still Indian culture survives. Since we are sons of India, our mother, it’s our duty-dharma to protect our motherland (mother).
50 examples where india stands in the Ancient period on modern science. “Apakarshaparyantham dravyam paramanurevam”-inferior most particle of a matter is known as Atom (paramanu )
1,“Paramanuithiprokta njanenam drishtigocharam”- What we call paramanu can be only understand by scientists.
2,Who Discovered wave nature of sound ?
Gautama maharshi 23 century ago mentioned in “nyaya shastra” in 6th chapter not less than 3000 years ago!
“Vechi Taranga nyayena shabda ulpathi”
The production of sound takes place as waves. So the wave nature of sound discovered by Gautama maharshi
3, who stated Evolution principle? Darwin? It is explained in india long ago before Darwin!“Jyatandara parinama (evolution of living beings ) prakityapoorat (law of nature )”
-Evolution of living being is the rule of the nature- By patanjali
4, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle stated long ago in India
The 6th chapter of patanjali’s yoga shastra
Yega samaye (At a stretch) cha ubhayan (two parameters) anavadharanam (impossible to perceive)
At a stretch, two complementary parameters cannot be perceived. Heisenberg is through in bhagavat gita, you may note that!
5,Bhaskaracharya, Mentioned Law of gravity. In “sidhanda shiromani” in 6th chapter.
Akrishti (attracting ) shaktischa (with force) mahe (earth )swa abhimugham (towards itself ) swashaktya (by its own force ) khastam (whatever is existing in sky) guru (solid material )aakrishyate . yat aakrishyate (whichever is attracted ) tat patatetibhati ( falls down)
6, Speed of light 7, celestial bodies including earth looks circular & many discoveries by indian Ancient Scientists.
Download the Audio of Speech now for freeIndian Heritage Speech in English by Dr N gopalakrishnan
Indian heritage speech delivered in Chicago by Dr. N Gopalakrishnan in English Explaining what is Sanatana dharma, Heritage of india, Why indian heritage overcame time unlike other cultures, Who are Hindu's, Difference of The Word Hindu comparing to other religion, Sanatana meaning Existing in everything and Everlasting, What is mean by religion, Origin of sanatana dharma, What is Dharma, Dharma is what which is protecting, About Mahabharata, Ramayana, How the bharatham name came, How the name Aryavarta came to india, Why indian known as Aryavartam and Bharatam, In indian we have got only two type of peoples , who are hindus and who were hindus!, What are Acharas-Rituals and Dharma. Literature os sanadhana dharma. Why so many Books in Hindu culture. It is impossible to convey the message of life and God in a single book. And many more..
About Sanatanadharma chicago-1
About Sanatanadharma chicago-2
About Sanatanadharma chicago-3
About Sanatanadharma chicago-4
About Sanatanadharma chicago-5
About Sanatanadharma chicago-6
About Sanatanadharma chicago-7About Sanatanadharma chicago-8
About Sanatanadharma chicago-9
About Sanatanadharma chicago-10
About Sanatanadharma chicago-11
About Sanatanadharma chicago-12-
Indian Heritage Speech: My Experience of Learning Indian Culture;
The Speech goes through the Topics-Significance of Indian or Hindu Civilization
A speech delivered in keralaMaster ideas of india-aurobindo
Indian culture, Indian civilization- spirituality
Important of Indian-hinduism-this age
Main stream teaching in Indian universities
Multiculturalism in india in earlier ages.
Difference in Indian religion from other western religions
Universality-Never limited in time, space, it overcomes time
Divinity in self- Main stream thought and aim of life in india
Behavior of Indian civilization is different from western
Architects, builders, poets in ancient india
Attitude of Indian civilization is Secular
Practical principle of Indian Culture-dharma-even today it’s practiced
USA has a criminality rate of 100 times of criminality in india
Hidden act of dharma control harmony in india..
Desruction of indian culture during islamic rule in india
Ancient universities in india- Nalanda, Takshashila.
Ancient Indian Economic science- Ardhashastra in kerala
and many more..
Download Audio of My Experience of Learning Indian Culture (English)
Bharateya Acharangal: Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 01
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 02
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 03
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 04
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 05
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 06
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 07
Bharatheeya Aachara Anushtanangal 08
IISH -Audio Publications
Bharatha Sandesham
Bharatheeya Paitruka Sandesham 01
Bharatheeya Paitruka Sandesham 02
Bharatheeya Paitruka Sandesham 03
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 01
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 02
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 03
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 04
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 05
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 06
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 07
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 08
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 09
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 10
Bharateya Acharangal: Speech in Malayalam language by Dr. N Gopalakrishnan, Director Indian institute OF Scientific Heritage. This is a collection of Speech by Dr. N Gopalakrishnan on Indian Customs and Rituals in malayalam language in mp3 format.

IISH -Audio Publications
Bharatha Sandesham
Bharatheeya Paitruka Sandesham 01
Bharatheeya Paitruka Sandesham 02
Bharatheeya Paitruka Sandesham 03
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 01
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 02
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 03
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 04
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 05
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 06
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 07
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 08
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 09
Bharatheeya Jeevitha Sandesham 10
A few things About Dr. N Gopalakrishnan and Indian institute of Scientific Heritage.
Download Now Audio
1, Bharateya Acharangal part-1
2, Bharateya Acharangal part-2
3, Bharateya Acharangal part-3
4, Bharateya Acharangal part-4
5, Bharateya Acharangal part-5
6, Bharateya Acharangal part-6
7, Bharateya Acharangal part-7
8, Bharateya Acharangal part-8
9, Bharateya Acharangal part-9
10, Bharateya Acharangal part-10
Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan;
He is the director of IISH. He is a good and well known speeker. He completed M.Sc. (Pharm. Chem); M.Sc. (Appl. Chem); M.A., (Soc.); Ph.D. (Biochem); D.Litt. (Science in Sanskrit). Now he is a scientist and Director of Indian institute of Scientific heritage.
researched for 28 years about indian culture and heritage, Submitted 50
research subjects in international and national journals. His Research
got 7 patents and 6 awards. Two fellowships and 6000 lectures delivered
by him in india and abroad. Wrote 60 books, Speech in 200cd,50vcd ,more
that 200 hrs of speech in Television media. Visited many countries US,
Middle east and delivered many Indian heritage Speech in foreign and
indian universities, was A fellw of Alberta university canada
He is the founder and director of IISH, Thiruvanantapuram, kerala, india. He is a master in Sanskrit and the only scientist got D.litt award for his Scientific research.
Download speech Audio in mp3 format
He is the founder and director of IISH, Thiruvanantapuram, kerala, india. He is a master in Sanskrit and the only scientist got D.litt award for his Scientific research.
Download speech Audio in mp3 format
1, Bharateya Acharangal- malayalam- Speech by Dr N Gopalakrishnan
2, Scientific Analysis of Lalitasahasranama- malayalam
3, Indian Heritage Speech Delivered in chicago in English
"Our motherland, Bharath, could survive on this world with all her cultural glory for more than 10000 years.! This is because; Indian thinkings are scientific, intellectual, indifferent, and universally reliable, on their basic and practical level. They were useful in ancient times and are useful in modern world too. We address them chira purathanam - aged than the most older and nitya noothanam - always new in vision and practical application. Therefore our Culture - Dharma is Sanathanam in nature. These cultural intellections and practices are adoptable for anybody in any nation at anytime with any social - linguistic - religious background. This is why our mother country could preserve her magnificent heritage still after 1350 years of foreign invasion and distruction..it's your duty to hand over the Flame inthe lamp, recieved by us from our divine forefathers, to the next generation. It is YOUR, MINE and OUR mission to protect our culture and dharma for ever for the human kind"
- Dr. N. GopalaKrishnan
Hon. Director,
Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage
Great articles!! Thank you. Also it would be best if you can publish the full speeches of Dr N Gopalakrishnan as readable articles/pdf/doc because, users like me doesn't have enough time to download and listen to these, but I can check these and read in between the free hours of my work. Thank you.